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Sunday, November 20, 2011


So as I am writing this book of mine, I checked the word count. I am now over 100,000 words. I now have 100,900 words in my book. AND I am getting close to the end of it. What a monster.

Once I am done the book, I am not really done it. I need to edit my work. Major edits. Edits that require a hull cutter and three depth charges to complete.

Well, mainly spelling and grammar issues. I am a writer, not an English Teacher.

I re-read my prologue and a spelling error appeared in the first few lines. It is *can* not *cab*. Stupid autospell checked. The work shown here is a preview after all. It may or may not change when I polish it up.

I have so much that I'd love to talk to you all about, like my sci-fi novel idea or my philosophical ideas on writing, but my task-master, I mean wife, demands that I stop talking on my blog and get back to writing.

Something about the book not writing itself. I replied with if I am only allowed to buy a hundred monkeys, maybe it will. She didn't get my joke.

Oh well. Until later.

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