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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mole People of Mars

Mole People of Mars.

That's right. Five hundred years in the future, there are mole people living on Mars.

But they are not like what you think. They are not short, and fat. They come in many different races, creeds and sizes. The one thing that sets them apart from the other billions of human beings are the fact that they still live underground on Mars. Especially when it has been terraformed for the last two hundred years.

And they are blind.

But why did they move underground in the first place? Why are they still living underground on Mars? Why are they blind?

I'll start at the top.

First, Mars has been, and always will be a hot seat of rebellion and strife against Earth. Even after the last stomping where Earth had managed to crush and defeat her Armies so utterly.

During the first uprisings against Earth's oppressive regime, the people on Mars moved into underground mines to hide from the armies of earth.

During that time, they built an extensive network of tunnels and caverns to house the Martian population. When Earth was defeated, most people left the tunnels to live in the habitats on the surface. A few people stayed behind to live in the caves and tunnels.

Over the years, many different governments came and went. Mars would rebel, self govern for a while, then Earth would crush the rebellion and Earth would govern things for a while.

In all that time, the Mole People of Mars would stay the same. Each time rebellion or strife, no matter how terraformed Mars was, or the lack thereof in the early instances, the surface people of Mars would run into the tunnels where the Earthmen could not get at them.

Over the years the hardcore Mole People developed a 'shinning' for there eyes. It is a rather expensive surgery that makes the light sensors more sensitive. It basically makes them able to see in the dark. The trade off is that in the daylight, they can't see.

Goggles have become very fashionable.

So I answered the first question. They moved underground to get away from the evil Earthling soldiers.

Why are they still living underground on Mars? Simple. Their eyes. And the fact that they are very conservative. And traditional. They are the type of people that tend to forget that they came from Earth in the first place.

Why are they blind? Trick statement. They aren't blind, they just can't see in the light. In the dark, however, there eyesight is killer.

Mole People, (Note: Need better name. Something that they call themselves. Mole People is an insulting outsider name.) don't live only underground on Mars. They do travel out for many reasons. Recreation. Sport. War. Exile.

Nor do they all have the see-in-the-dark eyes. It is a right of passage from children to adults. To be from the Mole People (Again. Name. Help!) and not have shined eyes is a sign of exile.

To be exiled from the People is a punishment worse than death. To travel freely on there own free will is different. You can go home in the latter case.


Personal Update.

I realized that I have only posted one blog post in the first half of January. Bad Nathan. Bad.

In my defense, I do have a one month old. I am writing this with her wiggling in my arms.

Excuse me. I need to change her diaper.


Okay. I am back. Where was I?

Audrey. My life has again changed for the better. First with Donnie 18 months ago, now with Audrey.

I am in the middle of an adaptation period where I attempt to shuffle my priorities around to make room for Audrey. Unfortunately, she has to be at the top, tied with Donnie underneath my wife.

That moves things like work and writing around. Makes it harder.

Same amount to time in the day, more stuff to do. Something has to give.

Like sleep.

Speaking of that, I need to get my solid six hours of rest.


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